the champion of “Everyone wants to take their place” balances on his first meeting with Laurence Boccolini

After seven victories and 7200 euros on the clock, Jocelyn, the new champion of “Everyone wants to take his place” was back to try to continue his brilliant career. After the first questions posed to the challengers of the day, the sports journalist made his entrance. Moment chosen by Laurence Boccolini to address him with an unexpected question. “There’s something we forgot to mention and you taught me. It seems that we have already met“, explained Willow’s mom.

Yes some time ago, eighteen years exactly. It was a game that you presented where you were a little less benevolent to tell you the truth“, then replied the champion, referring to the “Weak link”, a slight smile on the corner of the lips. “Oh not that much… Well yes, okay. Oh did you play that?“, then reacted Laurence Boccolini. “And I had the pleasure of reaching the end that you are a bit of my talisman on each of my TV games“, then entrusted the champion to him. “Bah I hope, if I could bring you luck. Did you win then? It was hard to win at Le Maillon, it was very complicated“, then continued the host. “Yes it was hard and at that time I was 22 and I had been able to get through the drops and I hadn’t been mistrusted and I had won“, concluded Jocelyn.

If the latter thought in any case that Laurence Boccolini was his lucky charm, the candidate may have changed his mind after this new show. Indeed, after seven victories, Jocelyn had to give up her place in the champion’s chair. As he defeated Priscillia in the final, he tripped over the rug of wrong answers on a quiz that focused on famous female journalists. A shame for the one whose job it is. His opponent has therefore succeeded thanks to a few good answers on the city of Dublin to steal his place with a kitty amounting for the moment to 1400 euros.


See also: Laurence Boccolini: his big blunder live in “Everyone wants to take his place”

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