“The carotid is affected”, Dany Boon in a risky situation, a cutter in the throat in the middle of Paris!

Dany Boon does not only know how to move or make his audience laugh. He also knows how to save lives. However, this Wednesday, April 19, it will indeed be for laughs out loud that his fans will find the 56-year-old comedian. Indeed, the latter is on the poster, and director, of the film “Life for Real”. A comedy in which he brought together his longtime friend, Kad Merad, but also Charlotte Gainsbourg.

In “Life for Real”, Dany Boon plays the role of Tridan Lagache, a man who has always spent his life in a Club Med in Mexico. Tired of not being able to count on real friends or being able to build a stable relationship, he chooses to go to Paris to find his childhood love: Violette, played by Charlotte Gainsbourg. During his stay, Kad Merad, who plays the role of his half-brother, will host him but will also do everything to kick him out of his house, annoyed to keep this man under his roof.

See also: “It was complicated”: Dany Boon reveals that Noé, the son he had with Judith Godrèche, was assaulted after the success of “Ch’tis”

Dany Boon recounts the time he saved a man’s life against Guillaume Pley

A comedy that makes a lot of talk even before its release. However, at Guillaume Pley, Dany Boon spoke of a completely different subject. Indeed, guest in the media LEGENDthe 56-year-old actor returned to the time he saved a man. “You would have saved the life of someone who had their throat cut? Is that true?”asked Guillaume Pley before his guest confirmed the rumor: “Yes, it’s true. It was the café which was just opposite the little Palais des Glaces. And yes the guy went into the café with his throat cut for a pack of cigarettes”.

The opportunity for the actor to advise Internet users watching his interview with “do first aid”. After having joked about certain situations that require notions of first aid, the actor returned to the story of the man with his throat cut: “Slaughtered, well, it goes very, very quickly. The carotid artery is affected for 5 minutes, 4 minutes of life. So I sat him down. I made a pressure point until the firefighters arrived. Until the SAMU arrives”. “Because by the time the firefighters arrive, if you don’t do anything…”, chained Guillaume Pley before being cut by his guest: “He dies !”. His first aid actions saved the man in question.


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