The buzz of a “genetically modified mosquito”


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In a video that has accumulated more than 12 million views on Tiktok, a green insect appears to have a number. Many Internet users have interpreted this as a sign of a genetically modified mosquito capable of transmitting diseases.

A green insect… seen more than 12 million times and which questions. The image published on Tiktok then taken up by several Twitter accounts sows doubt as to its meaning. Because it appears to have a number on its abdomen, many believe it to be a mosquito genetically modified to transmit disease. Others assure that it could belong to a “secret project” of Bill Gates.

It turns out that the insect is an ordinary aphid that has nothing to do with the initiatives carried out with mosquitoes by the Gates couple with the aim of eradicating certain diseases such as dengue fever or malaria.

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