The body positive movement, the scam? The Franceinfo Talk debate



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Young, thin, beautiful or handsome: is it possible to resist the dictates of beauty? This is the subject of the Talk. Every evening, from 6 p.m., Manon Mella and her guests debate with Internet users on the franceinfo Twitch channel.

Having smooth skin, silky hair, being thin and muscular: there are many aesthetic injunctions. In addition, the democratization of aesthetic medicine, retouched images and other means of making ourselves “more beautiful” than we are amplifies the ambivalence we have with our own image. Are we all victims of the tyranny of beauty?

Manon Mella receives Elizabeth Azoulayanthropologist and author of 100,000 years of beauty published by Gallimard and Jennifer Padjemijournalist and author of Selfie: how capitalism controls our bodies to Stock editions.

The “body positive”, a real liberation?

Faced with multiple injunctions to standardized beauty, different movements, particularly feminists, respond with “body positive”. The movement promotes the acceptance and appreciation of all body types, especially via social networks.

However, this same movement recreates problematic dynamics because it is still based on standards, certainly new, perhaps more inclusive but also carriers of violence. So what drives us tirelessly in this quest for beauty and what does that say about our societies? How does this quest evolve and by what means?

Join us from 6 p.m. Monday to Friday on the franceinfo Twitch channel to participate in Manon Mella’s Talk. An hour of exchange, clarification, and debate around topical and social issues.

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