the bishops recognize the responsibility of the Church


Article written by

E.Bailly, France 3 Midi Pyrenees, O.Sauvayre – France 2

France Televisions

On the morning of Saturday, November 6, the bishops of France take a first step in recognizing the responsibility of the Church in the persistence of pedophile acts.

In Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées) at the foot of the Notre-Dame basilica in Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées), several hundred people are gathered. Knees on the ground and faces down, they pray in homage to the 330,000 victims declared by the Sauvé report, as being victims of sexual abuse by members of the Church. Victims’ associations are awaiting the arrangements put in place for reparations.

Earlier today, a painting was unveiled on Place Sainte Bernadette. This ceremony was followed by a speech by Monsignor de Moulins-Beaufort. The day before, the latter recognized the responsibility of the Church: “The systemic dimension of this violence in the sense that it is not only the act of isolated individuals, but has also been made possible by a global context”.

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