The bar-grocery store in Carelles in Nord-Mayenne is looking for a buyer

Isabelle Bruchet is embarking on a new adventure and not the least: finding a buyer for her Karel’city bar-restaurant-grocery store in Carelles in the north-west of the department. After 36 years at the bar, she wants to retire, but for that she has to find a replacement. For the owner, the bar-restaurant-grocery must continue to exist for the 280 inhabitants of the town, faithful to his establishment.

We get attached to these little beasts“, laughs Françoise, a client not quite ready for a change of ownership. “I would like her to stay a little longer. I kidnapped her as a friend, but hey, she’s friends with everyone. But I always enjoy come at times when we can talk.

We’ve been through a lot here, add another customer. It is passed down from generation to generation.“The Karel’city is a family atmosphere where everyone knows each other.”We call each other by our first namesreplies Isabelle Bruchet. Yes, it’s family. Our children were brought up at the bar. They have grown with customers. The customers gave them the bottle.

Isabelle Bruchet hopes to find a buyer by 2024 so that her business and her customers are in good hands.

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