the artist finds Rubix, the little boy from the clip “Papaoutai” and you will never recognize him!

Nine years later, here it is again! Everyone remembers the clip Papaoutai of Stromae. A cult piece which caused a huge buzz when it was released and especially during the NRJ Music Awards when the singer landed like a doll from his music video to be lugged to the stage of the Palais des Festivals. When he arrived on stage, he became “human” again to sing his piece in the company of his dancers and in particular the young Ruben, also called Rubix, who played his “little boy” in the clip.

In nine years, a lot has happened, and the little boy is now an adult. However, our colleagues from Konbini managed to find him and ask him a few questions. The opportunity for the young artist to let it be known that he had recently collaborated again with his “dad”. “My name is Rubix, I am known thanks to the clip of Stromae, my TikTok, and the dance. From Papaoutai I collaborated again with Stromae for the Jimmy Fallon Show”he explained at first before giving some details on his reunion: “We saw each other and he said ‘oh my son’ and I was like…wait he remembers me there?”.

The little boy has changed

Very flattered that Stromae remembers him, the young dancer then appeared in a video, just after his new collaboration with the Belgian artist. “I’ve been asked for a long time how is Stromae, are you still in touch? Well fate has made us together. Thank you for everything!”he said in the video in question before the singer, who was sick for many years, took him by the shoulder and thanked him in turn: “Thank you! And he’s still on one of my prestas. So thank you Mr. Ruben”.

If Rubix is ​​best known for his appearance in the Stromae clip, you should know that he is part of the most famous urban dance group in the industry: the Criminalz Crew. A group in which are found in particular the famous Twins, who dance for the biggest stars and especially Beyoncé, but also the two brothers of Ruben, Deyvron and Rochka.

See also: Stromae pays a vibrant tribute to his murdered dad


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