“The army is preparing for the next step, the objective is to access Hamas targets,” explains Captain Eden Tal


Video duration:
14 mins


Israel intensifies its bombings on Sunday October 22. Captain Eden Tal, IDF spokesperson, was the guest of 19/20 info.

The army is preparing for the next step, the objective is to access Hamas targets, places where Hamas keeps its weapons”, explains Captain Eden Tal, French spokesperson for the IDF. “Hamas is trying to pass itself off as a humanitarian organization, don’t believe these lies”, she continues.

“There are limits to respect”

Olivier, cousin of hostages and victims in Israel, is also the guest of 19/20 info this October 22. “I am sad (…) it is stupefaction, dejection”, laments the man. For Captain Eden Tal, “Israel did not ask for this war.” But according to Beligh Nabli, professor of university law at UPEC Paris XI, “The Israeli offensive will be part of self-defense, but there are limits to respect (…) for Israel, which presents itself as a democratic state of law”. Since the start of the offensive, more than 4,000 people have died in the Gaza Strip, according to the territory’s authorities.

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