TF1 forced to make a big decision after the lynching of a candidate

“This is going too far, friends! Please, I have a family, be lenient and respectful, at least for them”. With these words, NicoCapone demanded that the wave of hatred towards him stop. Indeed, the future candidate of Dance with the stars

appeared in a promotional video for the show to formalize his participation in the telecrochet of TF1. Already, when this video was published, the videographer was the target of grossophobic insults. These continued when NicoCapone introduced his partner Ines Vandamme.

Many Internet users have criticized his weight, his build, but also his legitimacy for taking part in a program in which the challenge is very physical. Faced with this situation, Ines Vandamme, his partner for the program, had to rant. “But soooo! What is the point of writing this comment? The culture of emptiness? Do you know anything about it? Have you already spoken to him? Are you creating an image based on social networks. Advocating poor health? I eat with him every lunchtime, he has the most balanced plate on the table! Never snack! You are neither in people’s lives nor in people’s bodies. So, learn respect.”she said when an Internet user accused TF1 to advocate “the culture of emptiness and poor health”.

TF1 speaks out to support NicoCapone

In front of this situation, TF1 decided to speak

. Or rather to take strong action. The channel has in fact deactivated comments under the program’s TikTok publications. After this decision, the front page spoke again this Thursday, February 15, 2024. In order to ask malicious Internet users to stop their activity and stir up hatred.

“IMPORTANT REMINDER. Dancing With the Stars is an entertainment program. We do not tolerate any hateful or discriminatory messages towards participants. DALS is a program that we all like to comment on, it is important to do so with kindness and respect. THANK YOU”wrote the channel on its X account. Hoping that this will help calm the enthusiasm of some.


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