Texas votes to ban gender transitional care for minors

An exception is provided for minors already undergoing treatment, but they must gradually “wean” off it, according to the document.

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A person wears a T-shirt supporting trans children in New York City on June 24, 2022. (MICHAEL M. SANTIAGO / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA)

New transphobic offensive led by American conservatives. Texas elected officials voted Wednesday, May 17 to ban minors from gender transition care, such as hormonal or surgical treatment. Legislation would prohibit doctors from practicing such care. An exception is provided for minors already undergoing treatment, but they must gradually “wean”according to the document.

Florida passed the same legislation

To become law, the text must still be signed by the Republican Governor, Greg Abbott, which seems to be a formality given his positions on the subject. Last year, he ordered his administration to investigate parents whose children receive such treatment, equating it with child abuse. This had pushed families to flee the state.

If the text is promulgated, Texas, the second most populous American state, would also be the largest to have adopted such a policy. But not the only one. Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida – the third state in number of inhabitants – signed a law on Wednesday, passed in early May, which also prohibits hormonal and surgical treatments for gender transition to minors.

The Republican, seen as a very likely candidate for the 2024 presidential election, compared these medical procedures to “mutilations”. “This is an attack on freedom”denounced Joe Saunders, of the association Equality Florida, which defends LGBT + rights. In total, about fifteen states have adopted restrictions of this type.

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