Testimonial | To you who took Thomas’s life

I do not know you. Right now, you’re hiding somewhere. Maybe we welcomed you as a hero last Sunday. I’ll tell you right away, I have only one desire: to change the first letter of this word for the last of our alphabet. As you can see, I am angry. Very angry. I prefer to tell you right now. Like that, if you don’t want to hear me, you have the chance to run away, once again …

Francine Marceau

Francine Marceau
A very sad grandma

I am a grandmother. Not Thomas’ grandma. This one, I wouldn’t want to be in her place. No, I am the grandmother of a 17 year old. Thomas’s friend. You see how your gesture splashed away when you pulled on the trigger… Since their childhood, my grandson and Thomas were inseparable. Their parents were great friends. They were so proud of their boys, so beautiful, so intelligent. Both promised such a bright future.

These two have always celebrated their birthdays together. At first, it was their parents who gathered their gang of friends. They paraded in the alley in their disguise.

Later, in adolescence, they wisely organized themselves into small parties. But now this year, at the end of November, that of Thomas will not take place.

For some time now, these two have even been making a script. Maybe one day they could share an apartment while continuing their studies, be roommates like their fathers. In the meantime, they had started saving to make this dream come true. A beautiful friendship between them, very simple, but so deep. They were lucky enough to be born into a good family, surrounded by love. Maybe that’s what you missed …

They, when they had difficulties, they were always surrounded, guided. And you, you may have been deprived of it, I don’t know. This short moment of bewilderment, you probably already regret it. You probably don’t have a lot of people to share it with. Unfortunately, this moment will haunt you for a long time. Just like the grief that my grandson is going to have to go through, and his parents, and his younger brother, and his grandparents, and his friends, and his school and hockey mates, and his teachers, and …

As I know you are deeply unhappy today, I offer you a virtual hug, one that your entourage is probably not able to offer you at the moment and which you must badly need. You see, my anger has diminished a little. I wish yours would eventually subside as well.

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