“Terrorists and pedophiles are not monsters!”, Cyril Hanouna absolutely shocked by Gilles Verdez!

Cyril Hanouna asked, this Thursday, September 29, his columnists to react to the recent controversial remarks of Daniel Riolo, the companion of Géraldine Maillet, on the prisoners.

The latter did not hesitate to say that it was for some of “sub-citizens”. Statement that Gilles Verdez refuses to understand or hear.

In TPMP, the columnist once again found himself alone against all and in particular shocked all his comrades in turn, by affirming that terrorists and pedophiles were not “not monsters”.

“Stop, stop”immediately launched Cyril Hanouna to Gilles Verdez, before being supported by Matthieu Delormeau: “A terrorist is someone who cowardly blows people up. You cannot say that a terrorist is not a sub-citizen or a sub-human (…) You insult all the victims of the Bataclan !”

“Gilles, you’re completely unlocked! (…) I’m sorry, we can’t say that they are not sub-citizens (…) I don’t agree, a child criminal and a terrorist are monsters When I see the family of Nordahl Lelandais, I think it’s a monster! When we killed a little girl or raped, for me, we are a monster!”, continued the troublemaker of the PAF who could not bear such a speech.

See also: “Fired from everywhere”, “The guy who represents failure”, Cyril Hanouna atomizes Patrick Cohen!


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