“Teebike”, this process to transform your old bicycle into an electric bike

“It’s my job” comes back all summer on 40 original business ideas, business creations that respond to the times. Monday, July 18, the portrait of Laurent Durrieu, who transforms your old bike… into an electric bike.

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Laurent Durrieu likes to say that he reinvented the wheel. And it’s called the Teebike. “It’s a connected object, a front wheel of a bicycle. To be able to transform the bicycle you have, whether it’s old, economical, whether it’s expensive or very recent. You just remove the front wheel of the bicycle and you turn it into an electric bike.” The idea germinated in the mind of Laurent Durrieu when he observed the huge bicycle cemeteries that clutter Chinese cities. So, in fact, there is no reason to throw them away. BOf course, it took a lot of work to get there: 18 months of research and development with mechanical engineers, electronic engineers, web developers. Eight full-time people for two years.

Two possibilities for having an electric bike: either you have an old bike that you want to electrify and you buy an electric wheel at 795 euros. Either we add five euros more to have a recycled bike equipped with Teebike.

The work is done by Les Apprentis d’Auteuil. It is therefore a social, circular project that allows sustainable mobility. The wheel is piloted with his telephone, which is fixed to the handlebars. It recharges in three hours, for sixty kilometers of autonomy. Only one drawback: you need a handy grip.

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