Tattooing: the laser, a technique recommended for a new skin




Article written by

J. Ricco, J. Pelletier, P. Gueny – France 3

France Televisions

One in four tattooed people would like to have a makeover and have a tattoo removed. A technique that requires a lot of patience.

Kim Merlin has decided to get a makeover. At 27, she has no less than eleven tattoos on her arms. But she now wants to remove nine. “If I get married, I don’t want people to see my tattoos with my wedding dress, I want it to remain discreet. I was young, I made tattoos. Growing up, I think to myself: I don’t want to see them anymoreconfides the young woman, who therefore went to the first center specializing in tattoo removal.

Only one method is used: the laser. This is a painless technique. Kim Merlin is in her second session. The tattoo is gradually fading, but it will take seven appointments to get over it. The center claims an almost perfect result. To get there, you have to pay an average of 900 euros. There are other methods of tattoo removal, often cheaper, but much more dangerous. The skin can for example be burned following a chemical treatment. Today, the Haut Conseil de la santé publique recommends the exclusive use of lasers to remove tattoo.

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