Tatiana-Laurence and Xavier Delarue: their tender declarations to their future baby

Between Tatiana-Laurence and Xavier Delarue, love is definitely there. After many arguments and rumors of infidelity, the two former candidates of the first season of Secret Story in 2007 gave their story a new chance. And from this idyll will be born, in the coming months, a little boy. A birth about which the future parents were ecstatic, this Sunday, December 5, 2021 on their respective social networks.

On her Instagram account, the future mother shared a photo of her rounded belly, from an adorable photo shoot. In legend, Tatiana-Laurence decided to do a little retrospective on her relationship. “19 years ago, in 2002, our love story began“, she began, before continuing to the attention of her future”big baby“:”In a few days, our angel will be born and unite our soul mates forever. This twentieth year, which has already started, is going to be unique, because we are waiting for you with a force of unconditional love.. “

Attention also shared by Xavier Delarue: “In 3 months, you are there. We make sure that your arrival goes well, you are so expected … (…) 19 years that your parents know each other today. A life ! And so much to tell you when you’re there“, he expressed himself. And to add, not without revelations:” In the meantime, I speak to you and you react to my voice and my hands each day which advances and brings us closer to your Coming, besides I believe that you already like your first name … “A first name already chosen by the couple, but that the two future parents still prefer to keep top secret.

Find, respectively, the publications of Tatiana-Laurence and Xavier Delarue by clicking here and by following this link.

An arrival eagerly awaited by the latter therefore, but which was unfortunately accompanied by a major problem. Indeed, last October, the pretty blonde was unfortunately the victim of a nasty road accident. A terrible mishap that the actor of Mysteries of Love (TMC) had returned to the Web, bringing reassuring news.

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