Taliban fire in the air to disperse a demonstration in support of Iranian women

About 25 Afghan women gathered outside the Iranian Embassy in Kabul, in support of women who have been protesting in Iranian cities since the death of Mahsa Amini.

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The Taliban dispersed with shots in the air, Thursday, September 29 in Kabul, a gathering of Afghan women who came to support the Iranian women, whose struggle they claim to share. Demonstrations have been taking place every night in Iran since September 16the date on which the young Mahsa Amini died, three days after her arrest, to challenge the religious laws in force in the Islamic Republic, such as the compulsory wearing of the headscarf for women.

“Iran is rising, now it’s our turn”, “From Kabul to Iran, say no to dictatorship!”, chanted the demonstrators, behind banners that the Taliban snatched from their hands. To the cries of “Woman, life, freedom”, some 25 women, headscarves, demonstrated for about 15 minutes on the road opposite the Iranian Embassy, ​​before being dispersed by shots fired in the air by the Taliban posted in front the building, noted AFP journalists. The Taliban also attempted to beat protesters with rifle butts.

The women, some of whom had hidden their faces behind sunglasses and surgical masks, picked up the debris of their banners to make balls of paper and throw them at the Taliban facing them. The latter also ordered journalists to erase videos and photos of the demonstration.

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