The Japanese filmmaker and writer Takeshi Kitano opened his workshop to the organizers of the Fortnight so that they could choose one of his paintings. Result: an offbeat work.
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“A crazy canvas by Takeshi Kitano for the 2024 poster! An offbeat painting that salutes the poetry, humor and burlesque of the Japanese filmmaker who appeared in La Quinzaine in 1996”, enthuse the organizers on X, formerly Txitter. “Naïve, playful and clownish, his work invites us to marvel and not take ourselves too seriously”, they explain. The Japanese filmmaker and writer opened his workshop to them so that they could choose one of his paintings for themselves. Takeshi Kitano, without giving any interpretation on his painting, reveals that it is called has the title Takeshi.
Born in Tokyo in 1947, Takeshi Kitano is better known in Japan by his stage name Beat Takeshi. He became very popular thanks to his television shows, from the 70s, with his accomplice Kiyoshi Kaneko. “The king of Japanese television” continues to appear regularly in shows on the small screen. Abroad, it is especially his work as a filmmaker that is noticed. The actor has appeared in films since 1981, notably in Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (Furyo) by Nagisa Oshima and in Maany Happy Returns. He signs his first film, Violent Cop, in 1989 and immediately rose to fame. In 1993, he achieved great success with Sonatine, presented at Cannes. “The choice of this offbeat painting as the emblem of the 2024 edition is a way of paying tribute to the poetry and humor so precious of its cinema”, observe the organizers.