Take part in the Rando France Bleu Mayenne on Saturday September 10 in Changé

France Bleu Mayenne, the Departmental Committee for Hiking in Mayenne, the town of Changé and the club Changed running boards prepared you a great day of discovery of hiking.

Saturday September 10 at Changé

Meet at 9:30 a.m. for a 9:45 a.m. departure from the Port lake, left bank of the Mayenne.

Arrival at the courtyard of the educational garden

A panorama of Changé from the Barberie trail
Hike 53

Come and discover an original circuit weaving through the valleys of the two streams that irrigate the city with its many sustainably managed natural areas, promoting a rich biodiversity.

Around a glass of friendship, you can win a topo of the FFRandonnée by draw to allow you to discover other great ideas for outings in the region.

Click here to register.

Some practical advice :

Remember to bring good shoes, a small backpack with a water bottle or bottle of water, a raincoat in case

Body of water from the Port to Changé
Body of water from the Port to Changé
Hike 53

source site-35