Take care of your perineum

Men, women: everyone has a perineum, that diamond-shaped region of the body that contains the lower end of the digestive, urinary, and genital tracts. We often hear about it, but do we really know it? In fact, what is the perineum?

What is it for other than pregnancy ? Does it have the same role for men? Can he be stressed outside of pregnancy? How to know if he is healthy ?

To answer these many questions, especially those concerning pregnancy and childbirth, Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive Souailla Ben Garrachmidwife.

Medical news and questions from listeners

Today the Dr Jimmy Mohamed focuses on the number of poisoning cases due to fuel siphoning, which has increased fivefold since the beginning of October. Other news of the day: the maternity crisis with in particular pediatric emergencies with the epidemic of bronchiolitis and the tense situation on the side of midwives.

The questions today:

Eva who lives in the Loiret: “I saw this post on social media that says hugs are 10 times more effective than prescribed medication in depression and anxiety. Sounds weird to me, is it true?”

Marc who lives in Arras: “I love cracking my fingers, but my wife can’t stand it because she says I’m at risk for osteoarthritis. Is that true?

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