Taiwan: permanent tension in the face of the Chinese threat


France 2

Article written by

A. Miguet, A. Hérait, W. Berrazeg, G. Carron – France 2

France Televisions

Faced with the threat of invasion from China, Taiwan is preparing to resist by organizing war exercises. Beijing is increasing its provocations, in particular with overflights or even simulations of landings. The country lives under constant threat.

On the beach of Kinmen in Taiwan, the landscape is filled with bunkers. They were installed among remnants of past attacks. Despite the threats, residents hope this will be the last fighting. The military show local tourists that they are prepared for any eventuality.I prepare for anything. At home, I have a medical supply, food, a survival kit, and even a gas mask and car weapons.defense “, entrusts a Taiwanese. A resident, who bought a house in the 1970s, equipped it like everyone else with a basement, a small shelter in the event of an attack.I hope not to see to use this shelter in the future“she declares.

Taiwan is under constant tension since the continuous attacks from China. Indeed, the demonstrations of force of the Chinese army multiply. Beach landing military exercises, daily military aircraft overflights: tout is filmed, and then shown as a propaganda sign to Chinese residents. In this conflict, Taiwan has the support of the United States, which irritates Beijing.

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