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Taha Bouhafs announced on Monday, May 9, that he would give up his candidacy for the legislative elections, in the face of what he called “an unprecedented storm of attacks”. Jean-Luc Mélenchon expressed his deep regrets. How did the journalist become a subject of tension within the union of the left?
Heavily criticized since his inauguration on Saturday May 7 in the 14th constituency of the Rhône, Taha Bouhafs announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy for the legislative elections on Monday May 9. “For several weeks, I have been enduring an unprecedented storm of attacks. (…) I tried but I can’t do it anymore”, he said on Twitter.
Known in particular for having filmed the actions of Alexandre Benalla on May 1, 2018, the journalist also divides by certain positions. In question, controversial tweets, as well as a conviction at first instance to a fine for public insult because of the origin, which he appealed. On the morning of Tuesday May 10, Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced “the relentlessness of a pack”and expressed his regrets “for not having been able to comfort him as much as necessary”. Taha Bouhafs was in particular the target of the Communists, who wanted to maintain the candidacy of the mayor (PCF) of Vénissieux (Rhône), despite the agreement concluded with France Insoumise.