syringes, sex toys, mobile phone… she decided not to hide anything!

The investigation continues… This Friday, February 10, 2023, Pierre Palmade collided with two other vehicles on the RD372 in Villiers-en-Bière, in Seine-et-Marne. Admitted to the Kremlin-Bicêtre the evening of the accident, the vital prognosis of the 54-year-old comedian would no longer be engaged. The other victims, meanwhile, are in serious condition. Destroyed by this tragedy, several personalities wanted to support the actor. On Twitter, Isabelle Mergault notably reshared the AFP tweet announcing the accident, adding in the caption: “Hold on Pierre. This announcement destroys me”. Nathalie Marquay, for her part, took to Instagram to share a story on which we could read: “Be strong, we think very much of you and we pray. But also for this pregnant woman and her son”. Finally, Christine Bravo commented on the actor’s latest publication: “My Pierrot, I hear you’ve had an accident. Tell me you’re fine!”

If many celebrities are affected by the fate of Pierre Palmade, others have preferred to condemn the acolyte of Muriel Robin. Although Sylvie Ortega Munos does not want the death of the former friend of her late husband, she believes that this is a “act suicidal for oneself and murderous for others”. She also assures that Véronique Sanson’s ex needs a “medical and medicinal aid for self-care”.

The housekeeper sways on her employer

Heard by the police, the housekeeper of Pierre Palmade can only confirm the words of Sylvie Ortega Munos. The day after the accident, the latter would have found “messy places, with scattered syringes”, reports The Parisian. Syringes that could “explain the many traces of bites noted on the body of Pierre Palmade during the intervention of the firefighters”. The police, meanwhile, reportedly found “a liquid residue being analyzed” as well as “objects of a sexual nature”but “no drugs”. Another disturbing fact, the cleaning lady of the artist affirms to have left the telephone of her employer in evidence on a table. A phone that investigators have never found. Odd…


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