Symphonic House | The IAM x OSM concerts will finally take place in October

After three successive postponements, the long-awaited meeting between the legendary French rap group IAM and the Orchester symphonique de Montréal will finally take place from October 3 to 6, at the Maison symphonique de Montréal.

The group will deliver unreleased versions of their songs, including several from their album. The school of micro money, which, when it was released in 1997, marked a turning point for French-language rap. It is conductor Dina Gilbert who will have the mandate to direct the OSM musicians during their unique encounter with the rappers of the Marseille quintet.

The show was first announced in January 2019 for the performances which were originally scheduled to take place from April 7 to 10, 2020. After an initial postponement due to confinement, the concerts were rescheduled from October 5 to 8, 2021, before rescheduling. be postponed again to May 2022. Unless otherwise announced, this time will therefore be the right one. A few tickets are still available for the four performances. According The dutythe successive postponements of the concerts are the result of the sanitary requirements in force in the country until last year, at least one of the members of IAM having declared himself against vaccination against COVID-19.

When announcing the previous postponement, the OSM had publicly limited itself to saying that we wanted “to bring together the best conditions to perform together on the stage of the Maison symphonique. »

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