Sweet sixteen | “Sweet sixteen, what do they say?” »

This is a strange object. Halfway between fiction and art film, Sweet sixteen, a feature film inspired by a play, is intended as a bonus and subtext to be a “symphony for teenage girls”. Interview with the director, Alexa-Jeanne Dubé, of this film, as aesthetic as it is demanding, which is disturbing.

Definitely experimental, Sweet sixteen, presented as a world premiere at the Raindance festival in London, which also won the Post-Modern Jury prize at the last edition of Cinémania, opens on a lake. Several young girls bathe there, splash themselves, laugh, in short, have fun freely. Innocently. Change of tone, the scene which follows, while they suddenly and each turn stare, in close-up, at the camera. Exit joy, their piercing eyes oscillate here between sadness, anguish, and nostalgia. The table is set for the future.

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