Sweden: Companies are leading a green revolution


Video length: 4 mins.

France 2

Article written by

J. Gasparutto, F. Caër, O. Wislet – France 2

France Televisions

In Lulea (Sweden), the Hybrit company is revolutionizing steel production. The company is the first to produce this metal without emitting CO2. In the country, a real green revolution is underway. Reporting.

The small town of Lulea (Sweden) makes its revolution. The blast furnaces will soon disappear from the landscape to make way for hybridthe first factory in the world to produce steel without emitting CO2. Gigantic machines produce the energy necessary for the transformation of iron. Here, everything runs on hydrogen. The plant only releases water vapour. On arrival, the ore is transformed into small balls, sponges of iron which are melted down to make steel.

A project for the future

This process costs 20% more than with coal, but the leaders are betting that this ratio will eventually be reversed.In the future, in the European Union, the price that will have to be paid to emit a ton of CO2 will become higher and higher. So producing steel with coal will be more expensive,” explains Martin Pei, the company’s vice-president. hybrid settled near Kirunathe largest iron deposit in Europe. It has also invested in wind power and in hydroelectric dams to provide electricity To low cost.

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