surprise, she lands on “Daily”!

On December 5, fans, family and friends of Johnny Hallyday will “celebrate” a special day. The date marking the disappearance of the Taulier on the same day and same month of the year 2017. For this “anniversary”, many tributes are planned, including a special report which will be broadcast on December 8 on M6. Entitled Johnny by Laeticiathis documentary directed by William Karel, with the help of Laeticia Hallyday, will reveal, for the first time, archive images of the couple and the family.

In a press release relayed by the chain, the mother of Jade and Joy spoke precisely about this project. This one explaining that the majority of the rushes came from his personal camera and his telephone. “I had got into the habit with Johnny of filming moments of life. First with a camcorder, then with our phones”she detailed before indicating how the idea of ​​this documentary was born in her mind: “Almost two years ago, I started thinking about a documentary about Johnny that would allow the public to discover my husband. We were trying to imagine what this film could be like, which was supposed to be unlike any other. When I talked about these family and personal videos that I had captured and archived for more than 20 years, it became obvious. And that’s how the project was born”.

Laeticia Hallyday on Dailyto evoke Johnny

But in Johnny by Laeticia, out of the question for the mother of Jade and Joy to hide what bothers. This is why viewers will even be able to learn more about the infidelities of the Taulier towards his companion. A subject that she had already mentioned to our colleagues at‘Paris here. “I forgot myself as a woman. What Johnny couldn’t stand”she remembered.

Laeticia Hallyday went on to admit that it had “created differences and then adventures elsewhere. In twenty-three years, there have been ups and downs… Very complicated moments. And that’s what we both experienced. We separated, we got back together”. This takes nothing away from her love for her late husband. After the documentary, she will also be in Brussels on December 20 to “Johnny Hallyday, the exhibition”. An exhibition which she should talk about at length this Monday, November 28 on the set of Daily. Indeed, the channel’s Twitter account announced the arrival of the Taulier’s ex-wife on the show. TMCa few hours ago.

See also: Urgent – ​​Johnny Hallyday: his youngest daughter goes crazy on Instagram, no longer supporting what she reads and undergoes on a daily basis!


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