Sunwing Airplane Party | At least 12 passengers under the magnifying glass of Public Health

(Ottawa) Sanctions began to rain on some of the passengers who were aboard the controversial influencer flight to Cancun, Mexico on December 30. And others might fall.

Posted at 6:13 p.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis

“There were 12 notices of non-compliance issued to travelers on this flight in connection with the Quarantine Act. These were issued on site to signal a clear non-compliance with a requirement under the Law The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) wrote in an email Tuesday.

Of these 12 opinions, three were the subject of reports which were forwarded to the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP) for review, and “there may be additional reports sent to the DPCP this week,” he said. we added.

The actions complained of were not specified, for reasons of “private life”. And it is not impossible that more notices of violation will be distributed in the days to come, since the PHAC “also follows up on suspected cases of fraud and non-compliance with quarantine,” he said. – we added on the side of the federal agency.

In addition to this investigation by federal health authorities, the one launched by Transport Canada.

The ministry “launched an investigation and is in contact with the air carrier in connection with the alleged facts which would have occurred during the flight of December 30, 2021”, one indicated Tuesday to the office of the minister Omar Alghabra.

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