It was good this week again in Normandy with a peak in temperatures felt on Thursday. Météo France recorded 23.1° in Caen and 23.6° in Alençon. Market gardeners are seeing a direct impact of the mild autumn on their crops and on their work clothes! “We are at the end of October, beginning of November and we are still working in t-shirts”, smiles Olivier Chauvin, one of the owner-operators of the Coulombs vegetable farm, located in Bessin along the RN13.
But when you walk around the 14 hectares of the farm dedicated to market gardening, you realize that the seasons are somewhat disturbed. “We still have eggplants, peppers. We kept them because the plants continue to evolve due to the mild nights. It’s less cold”, explains the farmer. The weather will decide for him of the moment when it will be necessary to stop the cultivation of summer vegetables to return to more autumn and winter productions.
© Radio France
Jean-Baptiste Marie
More ratatouille than pot-au-feu
By force of circumstances, consumers adapt their menus like Catherine, met at the picking shop in the Grand Parc: “Zucchini and tomatoes are still growing. The weather is so beautiful. It’s a bit weird and even worrying.” A situation that also concerns Vincent, who left with some fruit and vegetables under his arm: “Since climate change means that we find more summer vegetables, well, we make ratatouilles rather than stews, or even southern soups.”
© Radio France
Jean-Baptiste Marie