Suicidal behavior in children and adolescents

What is it about ?

Suicidal behavior expresses suffering. People who have thoughts of suicide are looking for a way out of an unbearable and hopeless situation.

Suicidal behavior is a process. First there are the suicidal thoughts, then concrete plans and finally a suicide attempt. In most cases, this process takes several months, or even several years. It would therefore be wrong to think that people with suicidal behavior act impulsively.

Addressing suicidal ideation and the desire to die allows the threat of suicide to be expressed and the suicidal process to be stopped in time.

Suicidal acts are varied: jumping into a vacuum, getting into trafficking, hanging yourself, taking poison or medication, using a firearm …

How to recognize them?

Suicidal behavior in children is expressed by certain thoughts and the explicit expression of the desire to die. For example :

  • Running away;
  • Drug consumption;
  • Self-harm;
  • Antisocial behavior;
  • Separation anxiety.

You should always take this seriously, even if these are threats that keep coming back.

Young people who are thinking about suicide are often gloomy (depressed), anxious, desperate, confused, and they are looking for a way out. They are overwhelmed by these feelings, and often they are unable to organize their thoughts to seek solutions. The situation is hopeless in their eyes.

The entourage does not always notice it. It is therefore important to talk about it openly and recognize the first signs that the young person is not doing well. The threat of suicide, planning suicide attempts and self-harm are expressions of suicidal behavior. Self-harm is also found in young people who want to punish themselves. But this does not necessarily come with the desire to die.

Children often do not have a clear idea of ​​the effectiveness of suicide methods. Sometimes they don’t realize whether an action is fatal or not, and they don’t know the doses. That’s why every failed attempt should always be taken seriously. It is not to attract attention, and there may be another attempt.

What can you do ?

If you are having suicidal thoughts, or someone you know is having thoughts of killing yourself, try to talk about it.

If someone tells you about their suicidal thoughts, never think it’s just to get attention. We must always react. Ask him clear questions

  • Are you thinking about suicide?
  • Have you ever thought about how to do it?
  • Have you already made preparations?

Decide on the steps to take. Remove the weapons and drugs. Also say that you are going to do it.

Someone who is thinking about suicide usually does not talk about it. In silence, thoughts, anxiety, panic and despair accumulate. Sometimes it seems impossible to tell someone about it. If this is your case, it’s still important to try to talk about it. A conversation can help break the circle of morbid thoughts. Talk to a friend, your parents, a teacher, or the GP. You can also contact organizations (see “Are you looking for help? “). If you really can’t discuss your feelings with someone, try writing them down. What you have written can then be read by someone you trust.

If you’re distraught and can’t see a solution to your problems, alcohol or drugs are really not a good idea. These substances seem to help you, but they only make your gloom, panic, or hopelessness worse. Alcohol and drugs can cause you to lose control and prevent you from knowing if you are making the right decision.

What can the professional do?

He will talk to you about your problems. He will decide with you how the rest will go. He will ask for your permission to involve your family and will also ask you to promise not to attempt suicide during the accompaniment. He will contact a psychological service where you can get help quickly.

A lot of help is possible. There is for example the mental health services (MHS) where you can go regularly. You can also go to an independent psychologist.

Sometimes antidepressants are prescribed.

If you have already made a suicide attempt or if the doctor thinks you will make one very soon, he will suggest hospitalization in a psychiatric ward.

Are you looking for help?

In the event of a medical emergency, call the emergency number 112.
