Successful flagship projects thanks to the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Foundation

This text is part of the special section Philanthropy

Scholarships for students, additional centres, a new pavilion… The Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Foundation’s latest campaign ended in September 2021. Over the years, it has enabled it to pursue its philanthropic mission. A look back at its key achievements.

“Many things have been done in recent years by the Foundation to support structuring and innovative projects [du centre hospitalier] says Julie Desharnais, Executive Director of the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Foundation (FHMR).

The most recent major campaign was used, among other things, for the creation of the Integrated Cancer Center. It also funded the creation of the Center of Excellence in Cellular Therapy, and the designation of the hospital’s ophthalmology department as the “Centre universitaire d’ophtalmologie de l’Université de Montréal”. “The three projects were carried out as part of the major campaign, and they are very promising,” continues the Executive Director.

In 2017, the Integrated Cancer Center, the only one in Quebec to offer state-of-the-art cell therapy treatments, was inaugurated, after receiving donations of $12 million. Since then, more than 2,500 patients have been treated there each year, in rooms specially designed for this type of treatment.

The philanthropic organization has, among other things, contributed to the development of these rooms. “When patients are hospitalized, they have to be isolated, with no one who can come in,” says Desharnais. Each room has been equipped with kitchen necessities and a television, in order to make the patients independent during their stay and to reduce their interactions with the outside world as much as possible.

Four years earlier, the Center of Excellence in Cellular Therapy was born, with a donation of $9 million from the Foundation. The establishment located in the Ronald and Herbert Black pavilion of the hospital is used in particular to treat patients with hematological cancers.

But the stem cell research being done there also aims to find cures for other ailments. “These data can be applied to other concepts, in particular for Alzheimer’s disease or ophthalmology, specifies the general manager. There are many researchers who transpose these notions to other levels for other cells and other uses in the body. »

With $12 million over 10 years, the Foundation has also contributed to the area of ​​excellence in vision health with its eye care centre. In 2016, the university designation marked the beginning of a partnership between researchers from the University of Montreal and the Hospital. “There is a lot of research being done with advances in the retina and diabetes,” adds Desharnais. Building on its reputation, the center welcomes patients from all over Quebec.

A great campaign, but not only

In addition to its last major fundraising campaign, the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Foundation held several events each year to support other projects. Thus, it gives the hospital center between $4 million and $5 million annually.

Patient care, research, but also education are at the heart of the philanthropic organization’s mission, explains Desharnais. Among the initiatives in this direction is a scholarship program for young graduates. “When we talk about teaching, it’s really one of the areas in which we are very involved”, she underlines.

The pandemic, which has led to an increase in hospitalizations and deaths over the past two years, has therefore given rise to a bursary program for respiratory therapists. “The Hospital nevertheless experienced recruitment difficulties. And we worked a lot with the management to see how we could support the retention of certain professionals,” explains the Executive Director of the Foundation.

Result: bursaries of $10,000 each were awarded to graduates in respiratory therapy. “We have therefore granted school perseverance scholarships for new graduates in respiratory therapy who have joined the hospital team,” she adds, specifying that the initiative will be back this year. “These are concrete actions that will also improve patient care and everything that is done in the hospital. »

The Claudine D’Amours pavilion

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