study shows link between anti-nausea drugs and increased risk of stroke

Antiemetic drugs should not be abused because of a increased risk of ischemic stroke.

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Be careful to use anti-nausea medications correctly. A study by Inserm shows an increased risk of stroke associated with taking these drugs. We speak for example of Pimperan, Motilium, or even Vogalene, as well as all medicines containing the same active ingredients. About five million French people consume it each year. However, caution: do not abuse it. This is the alert launched by Inserm with the publication of the results of a study conducted with the University of Bordeaux. For the first time, researchers have established a link between taking these anti-emetics and an increased risk of ischemic stroke (when an artery in the brain becomes clogged with a blood clot).

To carry out this study, the researchers analyzed the health insurance data of 2,600 adults hospitalized for stroke, and having consumed an anti-emetic. It appears that, among these patients, there are three more people who have taken a drug against nausea in the 14 days preceding the stroke. Basically the risk of stroke increases at the beginning of use of these drugs. “At this stage it is a very strong signal” explains pharmacology professor Antoine Pariente, who coordinated this study. Researchers do not yet understand how these treatments increase the risk of stroke, but it turns out that there is a chemical relationship between these anti-nausea drugs and certain anti-psychotics, for which this increased risk has already been demonstrated.

Should You Stop Taking These Nausea Medications? First of all, it should be remembered that ischemic strokes affect 0.2% of the adult population each year in France, so even if the risk increases slightly, it remains low. In general, the High Authority for Health reminds us on its site: these anti-emetics are not comfort medicines. That is to say to take only in case of vomiting with short-term serious or very troublesome complications.
To relieve temporary or mild nausea, you must first try to treat the cause.

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