“Studies, politics, ecology, everything is anxious”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Thursday, December 16, meeting with Maylis, a fashion student in Paris, to talk about mental health among young people.

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The mental health of young people is deteriorating, depressive disorders are increasing. This is what the annual report on the rights of the child, published in November 2021, pointed out. Fashion student in Paris, Maylis, 19, has been followed for depression since March. According to her, the Covid-19 is not the only one responsible. The climate, politics and violence of social networks affect his morale. Maylis would like young people to be listened to, understood and supported more.

“As a student you don’t necessarily have the means to pay for a shrink. It’s either you eat or you see a shrink.”

The young student says she is anxious by studies, the fear of not finding a job but also by global warming and politics. “When I see Zemmour running for election, I am afraid for my life. I am a woman and I am LGBT … Everything is anxiety-provoking, whether it is studies, politics or ecology. “

This anguish prevents him “to make plans for the future“, says Maylis who says he does not feel protected by the policies.”We are not represented and the politicians are all rotten. They are in a golden cage and they do not see the distress of the world. We really don’t feel them listening“.

However, Maylis wants to vote in the 2022 presidential election. “I will vote for Philippe Poutou in the first round. He is the only person who has ever lived as an average Frenchman. “

“It is better to vote for Philippe Poutou than not to vote at all.”

According to Maylis, “voting for Poutou might make it possible to show something instead of voting white. I am very afraid to see Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen face to face. In the second round, either I will vote white, or I will vote for Emmanuel Macron for fear of having the extreme right“.

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