Students and workers are at the center of the measures announced by the Prime Minister.
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To respond to the crisis in the real estate sector, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, traveling Thursday, November 16 to Dunkirk (North), made a series of announcements on housing production. Among them, the construction of 35,000 student accommodations by the end of the five-year term, the selection of 20 “territories of acceleration” where the construction of housing will be intensified, the doubling of the production of intermediate rental housing and the study of a second buyout plan. The Prime Minister’s objective is that “everyone” can “have access to affordable housing”.
By 2027, the government wants to build 35,000 housing units for students, the Prime Minister announced this Thursday. Accommodation suitable for shared accommodation is provided to have competitive prices for students. An interministerial plan for student housing will be detailed in the coming days. Élisabeth Borne indicates that she will appoint a ministerial delegate on housing.
Applications for new “acceleration territories” will be examined
The executive also wishes “double the production of intermediate rental housing (LLI)” in tense areas, namely new housing with below-average rents, with the main target being workers. Currently each year, 15,000 LLIs are built, the objective is to reach 30,000 by the end of the five-year term. This would cost a billion euros more per year, half of which would be financed by the State and the Caisse des Dépôts. “Without new affordable housing, we will miss the boat of reindustrialization and renewal of the territory”declares Élisabeth Borne.
The Prime Minister announces the selection of “20 territories of acceleration” to build additional housing, around 1,500 housing units per territory, 30,000 in total. It is the prefects, in conjunction with the communities, who will be responsible for transmitting the applications from the territories to the State. After the success of the government’s first buyout plan, and the 47,000 unsold new homes bought back by CDC Habitat and Action Logement, the government is considering a second plan of the same type. The Minister Delegate in charge of Housing, Patrice Vergriete, is responsible for working on it.