Straight to the point | Distinct for the wrong reasons

When it comes to drunk driving, 0.05 is the new 0.08. All Canadian provinces impose administrative penalties above a level of 50 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood (0.05). All… except Quebec.

In this case, there is no reason to be proud of our distinctiveness. Driving while impaired by alcohol was one of the main causes of death on the roads of Quebec in 2021. As we know, at 0.08 (the rate beyond which it is criminal to drive in Canada) , we represent a potential danger when we get behind the wheel. However, below this threshold, i.e. between 0.05 and 0.08, the risk of a driver being involved in a fatal collision is multiplied by 4.

The SAAQ observes that 85% of drivers stopped for drink-driving are on their first offence. The threat of a hefty fine would have a deterrent effect on the general population, experts believe.

Bar owners oppose it, claiming financial impacts for their business. Honestly, their opinion doesn’t matter in this case. We are not discussing here the right to consume alcohol. We are talking about the risk of killing someone when driving while impaired. In the hands of a driver under the influence of alcohol, it should be remembered, the car becomes a lethal weapon. There is therefore no serious argument justifying Quebec’s stubbornness in not lowering the limit to 0.05. None.

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