Stéphane Moulin “Disappointed with the result but not with the performance”

Stéphane Moulin, coach of Stade Malherbe Caen : “Disappointment with the result, that’s what I told the boys because we deserved to win. Unfortunately, we lacked a little bit of efficiency. We still finished fourteen shots away. C “It’s still convincing and we have big chances. We still stop this little negative spiral on the outside because we were on two defeats where we hadn’t managed to score. We scored again and we didn’t didn’t lose.

It’s a small step forward but what prevails despite everything is a little disappointment with the result. We did everything we could to win the match. We did not succeed but it is not for lack of trying. We had a real game. We started the game very well, we scored a magnificent goal. We had a more difficult second part of the first half where they had a few chances. On the other hand, I think we dominated the second half. That’s when we had to pass. Unfortunately we didn’t succeed and we had the chances. So here it is: disappointed with the result but not with the performance.

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