Stéphane Bern exasperated by Eurovision? “It’s sad…”

Host of theEurovision alongside Laurence Boccolini, Stephane Bern seems to have been very disappointed with this 66th edition broadcast on May 14, 2022 in Turin, Italy. While watching and comparing the different participants, the French history buff noticed a detail that upset him a lot: no one interprets a song with the sublime language of Molière.

Nobody sings in French this year, it’s sad” he let go in front of his co-host, unable to contain his disappointment any longer. Indeed during this edition, France interprets the title Fullen sung in Breton while Belgium chose a song in English. A real sacrilege for Stéphane Bern.

Remembering no doubt that he was on the screen, the host of the show Secrets of History then held a more temperate speech, not concealing a certain annoyance. “Finally… We can sing in Breton. Which is great too“, he added. Surely a little embarrassed by the remarks of his sidekick and wishing to put a lighter atmosphere on the set, Laurence Boccolini then listed the list of local languages ​​which were represented by France and the other countries during the contest’s history over the past few decades.

sorry“or not, France in any case finished penultimate in the standings in 24th place with 17 small points behind Germany, which is regularly in last place ((in 1964, 1965, 1974, 1995, 2005, 2015, 2016 and 2022. Yet last year, Barbara Pravi had come close to victory with her song There (so in French). She had accumulated a total of 499 points, thus finishing in second place in the vote of the professional juries (248 points) and in third place in the public vote.

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