stars in the night

The week’s cinema releases with Thierry Fiorile and Matteu Maestracci: “La Belle de Gaza” by Yolande Zauberman and “Fainé” by Karim Dridi.



Reading time: 8 min

Third part of the night in Tel Aviv: after Would you have sex with an Arab And M, The Beauty of Gaza by Yolande Zauberman is a dive into the luminous and murky world of Israeli and Arab trans women.

During the filming of M, Yolande Zauberman heard about a prostitute who came from Gaza on foot, to flee the Palestinian territories and intolerance and live in Israel, in this paradoxical mixture between the modern servitude of prostitution, and a form of freedom regarding their sexual and gender orientation.

This quest allows us to discover extraordinary, united characters, ignoring their ethnic or religious affiliations. The way of filming, in organized chaos, where Yolande Zauberman trusts in chance, always tends towards light, towards possible reconciliation. These women, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim, give us a lesson in life, in resilience, it’s overwhelming.

Film on a rare subject in cinema – even if it has a distant link with The Valseuses – dog punks, a pejorative definition for nomads, squatters, but seen here in rural areas, rather than in cities.

Nina and Djoul follow the route in an old truck which is their home, two inseparable friends, who go from a place of employment to odd jobs, depending on the wind and evictions. We come across creatures from whom we generally look away, people who had a life before choosing the margins, who also love, which will create tension in the duo.

It’s convincingly naturalistic, thanks to Ju and Faddo Jullian, real adventurers, Karim Dridi met Faddo in an acting workshop 10 years ago. Filmed in Brittany, Languedoc and Marseille, Lazy is beautiful in its lights. Places and characters that we look at differently after seeing this film.

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