Star Academy: A former teacher announces her big comeback, “we love it”

This news delighted his community who was quick to comment on the post. The actress Fabienne Carat, for example, posted emojis representing applause and a heart. “What memories”, “Awesome”, “But awesome we love it! I’ll be watching to see you”, “Awesome, can’t wait“, we also could read.

Like the 13 candidates, the charming blonde will therefore return to school on October 15. Nikos Aliagas will once again be at the helm of the star Academy. And good news for the fans of the first hour, it is at the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys that the students will evolve. To help them progress, they will be supported by 5 teachers and 2 coaches for live broadcasts. It is the entrepreneur and producer Michael Goldman, incidentally the son of the famous singer Jean-Jacques Goldman, who officiates as director.

The public will have the pleasure of finding the bonuses every Saturday. Three students will be nominated and during the evening, one will be saved by viewers, the second by his classmates and the third will leave the adventure. As for the dailies, they will be broadcast Monday to Friday at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday at 5:20 p.m.

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