“Star Académie”: confident Academicians

Endangered this week, Camélia, Laurie and Sarah-Maude had however obtained their place at the Academy from “The Final Audition”. The announcement shook them up a bit, but they approach Sunday’s Variety of “Star Académie” with a certain letting go.

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Sarah-Maude admits having had trouble managing her stress at the start of the week, when she learned of her danger. “I finally decided to take it on a positive side,” she said in an interview. I’m in danger, but it’s not the end of the world. I see it as an opportunity to show myself in front of the public and prove what I am capable of doing.

This choice of teachers also allowed her to understand what she needed to improve. “When I sing, I always decide to give everything I have, as if my life depended on it. But I understood that it was not the best way to interpret a song, you have to know how to balance the intentions and the emotions.

To defend her place, she hesitated between several choices until she stopped on “Piece Of My Heart”, a song popularized by Erma Franklin, Aretha Franklin’s sister. “Aretha is my idol, so I decided to go with a song by her sister. I think I found the best song for me. No matter what happens, my plan is clear and I can’t wait to perform at Variety.”

Important Messages

After crying a lot, Camélia finally decided to take this endangerment as a challenge. “I will be able to prove to people what I am capable of. I understood that the teachers want me to be more coherent between the text and my interpretation, to get out of my head to deliver the message without thinking of anything else.

With “Say, when will you come back?”, by Barbara, she seems to have found the perfect vehicle to convince the public and the teachers of her talent. “From the first listen, I was in tears. Sometimes I have trouble expressing myself, but I could cut and paste the lyrics of this song to send to my father, because that’s exactly what I always wanted to say to him. Thanks to the work with Gregory Charles and Lara Fabian, Camélia approaches Variety with a certain serenity and, above all, a solid self-confidence.

The message of the song Laurie ultimately chose for her endangerment is also important to her. “I’m finally going to sing ‘Je vole’, a song I want to give to my parents. Not long ago, I left the family nest a bit quickly to go live with my spouse. I didn’t realize at the time how big it was to have made this change, I realized it later. I’m very close to my family, and it’s a way of telling my parents that their little girl is gone, but that I’m fine.”

Laurie learned a lot during this last week, as much on her way of singing as personally. “I am quite calm, she concluded. I can just control my performance and I will do everything to deliver the best. If I’m happy with myself, I would have completed the challenge, no matter what happens afterwards.

See also

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