Springfield, the city that inspired the creator of The Simpsons

The name Springfield is found in at least 29 US states. However, it is in Springfield, Oregon that you can see murals in the colors of the famous yellow characters.

Posted at 11:53 a.m.

Simpsons creator Matt Groening once claimed that the Simpsons’ fictional town resembles Portland, Oregon, where he grew up.

Some details about the Simpsons

  • The Simpson family was first seen on the small screen on April 19, 1987. These were short episodes that aired as part of the Tracy Ullman Show ;
  • Fox aired the first episode on December 17, 1989;
  • The family has had its star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame since January 14, 2000;
  • A feature film in 2007 grossed over $527 million;
  • On the clock: 33 seasons, 728 episodes, making it the longest-lived TV series.

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