The creation of a “pole specializing in domestic violence”, in each of the 164 French courts, will thus be the subject of a decree “at the end of this summer”, said Monday the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti .
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“Specialized poles” in the courts, emergency measures taken in 24 hours … The Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, detailed, Monday, May 22, a series of measures fed by a parliamentary report to fight against violence conjugal. These measures will be the subject of decrees or bills in the coming months. They were announced in March by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, as part of her plan for gender equality, “great cause” of the five-year term.
The creation of a “pole specializing in domestic violence”, in each of the 164 French courts, will thus be the subject of a decree “at the end of this summer”, said Eric Dupond-Moretti. Each center will include a team coordinated by senior magistrates from headquarters and the public prosecutor’s office, with adaptation to local specificities.
The government also wants to allow a judge to pronounce, in the event “extreme emergency”, a protection order in 24 hours. The deadlines for these orders, which authorize the eviction of the violent spouse or a contact ban, had been reduced to six days in 2019 (compared to 45 days on average previously). This provisional procedure will have to be reviewed by a judge “within six days”specified the Keeper of the Seals, adding that it would appear in a bill “in autumn”.
Do not “miss” dangerous situations
In their recommendations, MEPs Emilie Chandler (Renaissance) and Dominique Vérien (UDI) emphasize the need to improve the “coordination” between the actors. Shortcomings in the follow-up of violent spouses have been revealed during several feminicides. They recommend the creation of a file containing information on the perpetrators – the Chancellery and the Interior are working on the subject – as well as better support for violent men.
Prior to judicial processing, it is necessary “a network of people trained at all levels of the chain” (doctors, social workers, civil servants…) so as not to “not pass by” situations of danger, underlined Monday Isabelle Rome, mMinister Delegate in charge of Equality between Women and Men. The parliamentarians propose to further expand the issuance of “serious danger telephones”. As for the “anti-reconciliation bracelets”, weighed down by technical problems, a new model will be deployed next month, promises the Chancellery.
Associations defending women victims of violence judged the measures announced on Monday “incomplete”even “disappointing”.