Special mental coaching, with Laurent Fournier and Vincent Tregaro

Tonight, in 100% PSG, the magazine:

Our evening guests: Laurent Fournier, former midfielder and former PSG coach, and Vincent Tregaro, mental coach.

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The evening debate: Is PSG a polytrauma club? We talk about it together and try to find solutions:

  • Back to the Yannick Noah experience. Tennismas mentally coached PSG players in 1996.
  • Do the various defeats of the season (like the one against Real) leave an impact on the players?
  • What to do to improve the mind of the players?

Thierry Boeuf’s vintage PSG: June 1991. Interview with Artur Jorge, the new coach and Michel Denisot, the new President, at the Camp des Loges.

100% PSG, it is also a case which includes all the news of the club and all the meetings of France Bleu Paris: find every morning at 8:34 am 100% PSG, the ticketevery evening 100% PSG, the magazine at 6 p.m. and every Monday 100% PSG, the stand.

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