Spain | Cocaine and ham to be won in the dealers’ Christmas raffle

(Madrid) Two drug traffickers have been arrested after bringing into play Christmas baskets, a tradition in Spain, containing cocaine, hashish, alcohol and… a ham, Spanish police announced on Tuesday.

During a raid on these traffickers in the city of Murcia, the police came across a poster announcing this raffle allowing them to win prizes of a particular kind: a “narco-basket” to be won on Christmas Day and another for Epiphany on January 6, an extremely important day in Spain when the Three Kings bring gifts to good children.

The names of the participants, who bought five and ten euro banknotes, were written on a sheet of paper on the wall.

During his operation, the police also got hold of 165 marijuana plants, as well as “various quantities of cocaine and hashish”.

In Spain, it is very common to offer packed baskets containing wine, ham and sweets, especially from an employer to its employees or customers. It is also very common to buy lottery tickets at Christmas.

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