Space: the Osiris-Rex probe returns to Earth


Video duration:
1 minute


Article written by

France 2 – H. Capelli

France Televisions

The American Osiris-Rex probe landed in the Utah desert on Sunday September 24. It carried on board a sample of the asteroid Bennu. What will scientists study? Elements of response with the journalist Hugo Capelli, present on the set of 20 Heures.

Sunday September 24, the probe Osiris-Rex brought back to earth the biggest asteroid sample ever collected. The precious package landed in the desertUtahin the USA. On the set of 20 Heures, the journalist Hugo Capelli indicates that this sample could well reveal some secrets to us, “particularly on the origins of life.This NASA probe took off in 2016, and then in 2020 after having traveled millions of kilometers, it managed to approach a moving asteroid, before taking approximately 250 grams of stones and dust“, explains the journalist.

25% of the sample will be studied

He is pointing out that “the asteroid Bennu measures 500 meters in diameter” And “is about 4.5 billion years old, the age of the Earth.. This is why it should help scientists to better understand the evolution of our planet. What to do with samples?Research and experiments will begin in the coming days in an airtight room. […] Scientists will have to wear gloves and specific outfits. Alone 25% of the sample will be studied, the rest will be preserved for future generations“, concludes the journalist.

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