Sovereignty will also be the question of the ballot box, says PSPP

Motivated by his rise in the pollsthe leader of the Parti Québécois made a vibrant plea for independence on Tuesday morning and identified two issues at the ballot box: the sovereignty of Quebec and a strong official opposition.

• Read also: PSPP assures that he wants to be Prime Minister

• Read also: Paul St-Pierre Plamondon led the best week of the campaign, according to Quebecers

The Parti Québécois climbs another 2% in the latest Léger poll published by The newspaper this morning. According to Paul St-Pierre-Plamondon, sovereignty will be the question of the ballot box. “Obviously it’s a question of the important ballot box,” said the PQ leader, recalling that there are more than two million separatists in Quebec.

“The CAQ is more federalist than Jean Charest and Philippe Couillard. There is only one party that is actively working on this project”, believing that there are “definitely sovereignists who are coming back to the fold.”

Parti Québécois leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon as he arrives for the leaders' debate on Thursday, September 22.

Photo The Canadian Press

Parti Québécois leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon as he arrives for the leaders’ debate on Thursday, September 22.

“We are the only party that is rising (…) We are an independentist party, the only one that watches over the French and we will be and we can be an excellent opposition which is firm on these issues”, he said. he reported.

Counterweight to a small group

“Happy” to reach 15% of the voting intentions, Paul St-Pierre-Plamondon also believes that the other question at the ballot box will be the importance of a strong official opposition. He hopes to convince voters that the PQ would make the best counterweight to François Legault’s “absolute power”.

“We want and we can be that voice. And, everything is allowed, according to another poll where we go up again, ”he said.

“Does October 3 give almost absolute power to one person [François Legault]? To a small group which in several files lacks transparency, which in several fundamental files such as French and the environment tend to pay into surface half-measures, ”he asked.

not prime minister

According to the leader, his rise in the polls proves that he is no longer at the head of a marginal party and that he will succeed in electing several deputies.

PSPP admits, however, that there is little chance that he will be the premier of Quebec. “In light of this morning’s numbers, that’s not the most likely scenario,” he said.

The leader nevertheless recalls that the mayor of Quebec, Bruno Marchand, managed to surprise everyone during the last week of the municipal campaign last year.

“No matter what role I’m going to be given, I’m going to take it and I’m going to do it by being respectful, constructive, but being clear and being firm,” he added.

With Valerie Plante

On Tuesday afternoon, the chef met with the mayor of Montreal. Even if independence is at the heart of its platform, PSPP claims to have discussed this project little with Ms. Plante. He mainly addressed transport and housing issues.

“In certain subjects, it emerges that the federal government is blocking such a subject. But of course, when I am with Valérie Plante, my desire is to see what the issues are for Montreal, “he said, indicating that he spoke” quickly “of the decline of French. , but that he did not address the role of Montreal in an independent Quebec. “I focused on… how a deputy in the east of Montreal can move the files forward.”

He refuses the oath

After this meeting, the chief also affirmed that he will refuse to take the oath to the British Crown if he is elected, as provided for by law. He is convinced that he will find a way to circumvent this law in order to sit without being forced to do so.

However, if he does not find a “way through”, he admits that he will have to go “through the twister” and solemnly affirm his loyalty to the monarch Charles III.

“I have a moral obligation to those who elected me,” he said.

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