Sophie Tissier seizes the committee against sexual violence of LFI

Sophie Tissier announces this Sunday on Twitter that she has seized the committee against sexual violence of La France Insoumise, to “endorse” her testimony “attesting to the unacceptable behavior of Eric Coquerel”. The deputy LFI, new president of the finance committee of the National Assembly, has been the subject for a few days of rumors of harassment or sexual violence, relayed in recent days by the feminist Rokhaya Diallo. Allegations he denied this Sunday morning in a column published by the JDD. In this text, Eric Coquerel recalled that there had been no fact filed concerning him with the internal unit for reporting sexual violence of France Insoumise.

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Sophie Tissier affirms that in 2014, during the summer universities of the Left Party, Eric Coquerel would have made inappropriate gestures towards her. To franceinfo, she confides: “It wasn’t a violent physical attack but it was still inappropriate gestures. He went way over the line.” On Twitter, the activist explains, again: “I hope to encourage other women who have been victims of these inappropriate assaults to speak out. The facts date back to 2014. Long before #metoo and awareness.”

In the process, Eric Coquerel denied “absolutely inappropriate gestures, aggressive flirting gestures” to Sophie Tissier. “I do not rule out filing a complaint for defamation”, he pointed out on BFMTV. The deputy questioned the fragility of the testimony of his accuser: “She offered two witnesses to the JDD to verify her statements.” According to him, these two witnesses “refuted his statements” and “even contradicted them on this famous evening where I deny having made inappropriate gestures”, he asserted.

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