Sophie Marceau victim of the passage of time, she evokes her white hair

She’s been in the spotlight for so long she can hardly remember “the front”. When she was 14, the whole world discovered Sophie Marceau in the guise of Vic, in the film The party by Claude Pinoteau. If the actress owes her success to this first role, she also owes him a different life, to be analyzed, scrutinized at the slightest gesture, photographed at the slightest opportunity. If she doesn’t particularly like seeing herself on screen, the actress can’t help but allow herself to let go today.

“Every day brings something, or takes something away, she explained in an interview with Raw. Things are not fixed. Myself, I’m escaping, I’m going to get old, I’m going to have white hair… What do I control? Yes, controlling good health, trying to die healthy, but what do you want me to control? You also have to trust things, if you’re in control, it’s because you’re afraid, of the outside, of the other. I am not afraid, I am curious. To control is to close yourself off.” Directed from adolescence by professionals, Sophie Marceau now has the opportunity to regain control. In life as in the cinema.

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