Sonia Rolland: Farniente in a bikini, dream body and very intimate tattoo

Sonia Rolland has come a long way since being voted the most beautiful woman in France. Still as beautiful – if not more – than when she was beauty queen in 2000, she has since changed course. Modeling still holds a place in her life, but less than before. The ex-girlfriend of Jalil Lespert notably became an actress and her talent allowed her to land lead roles in series on several occasions. Lately it’s in detective fiction Criminal Tropics that Sonia Rolland replies to Béatrice de la Boulaye. And it is none other than in Martinique that the two actresses flew away for the filming of season 4. Or how to combine business with pleasure!

Between filming and script readings, Sonia Rolland therefore takes well-deserved breaks on the white sand beaches and shares this with her subscribers on her Instagram account. And, at 41, she has nothing to envy to the young women who have taken over on the podiums. Tapered legs, drawn abs, Sonia Rolland displays a perfect figure in a bikini. Her swimsuit also reveals the intimate tattoo that she had drawn in the lower abdomen.

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