Solveig Halloin, anti-bullfighting activist smashes “TPMP” and Cyril Hanouna!

This is a debate that is currently shaking the political and media world. So, at a time when the deputies are putting the controversial subject of bullfighting and its probable ban on the table, Cyril Hanouna wanted to get his columnists to react in “TPMP” yesterday Thursday, November 24. And to do this, the host had invited one of the fiercest opponents of this practice, the activist Solveig Halloin. And as in her last appearance on the C8 talk show, the latter caused a real storm, driven by her convictions pegged to the body. “I’m here to be the spokesperson for the martyrs […] Free the martyrs!“, she chanted in front of the cameras, fake blood staining her hands.We tear off the ears and tails of these gentlemen“, she notably offered as a treatment for the two guests invited to the set of “TPMP”.

When Cyril Hanouna offered her to debate with the matador Marc Serrano, the activist then got carried away with a certain passion. “You don’t speak to a murderer, it’s very dangerous. I am here to be the spokesperson for the bovine martyrs, the bull martyrs, the cow martyrs, the heifer martyrs“, she hammered. “We do not dialogue with danger, they are extremely dangerous people, we fight them“, she launched.

After this passage necessarily very commented since on the social networks, certain Internet users attacked Solveig Halloin. “How does it feel to be the guest at Hanouna’s stupid dinner?” Asked an Instagram subscriber. “Delighted to be the idiot of a dinner of idiots”, replied the activist.

After his passage on C8, many Internet users had already expressed themselves on Twitter. “Hey say so Solveiga trip to psychiatry will do you the greatest good because there we hit rock bottom..”, “Look at the delirious Solveig Halloin on bullfighting at Hanouna, it’s not TPMP, it’s Touche Pas à Mon Psy!” , Of course bullfights should be banned, but the Solveig too. She serves the cause very badly, pathetic, crazy.”, could we read on Twitter.


See also: “TPMP”: a new guest evokes Vincent Bolloré and attracts the wrath of columnists

source site-8