Soaring gasoline prices: motorists stranded on the roads with their tanks empty

Many motorists break down and are sometimes forced to abandon their vehicle, unable to pay for their full tank of gas.

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As many motorists struggle to fill their tanks, some find themselves stranded in the middle of the journey, CTV News reported on Saturday.

According to data provided by the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) to the television network, 1,004 motorists had to call on CAA services in Ontario in May following a gas shortage, a jump from 732 cases reported in May 2021.

A similar phenomenon has been reported in the United States, where the American Automobile Association reported a 32% increase in the number of out-of-gas calls in May.

“A lot of people drive on $20 worth of gas,” said Brian Patterson, president of the Ontario Safety League.

According to Gas Wizard, the gasoline price forecasting site, Toronto is expected to hit $2.15 a liter on Saturday, while pumps in Montreal could see prices hit $2.24 a litre. In Vancouver, prices could climb to $2.34, making them the highest in the country.

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